Our Services


Citizen`s Island service

register your free Citizen`s Island!

Your Citizen`s Island is all you need: storage (usernames-passwords, private and public keys, pictures, address books, docs, sheets, pdfs, epub books and more), privacy browser (earn money by selling your browser behaviour to third parties), your medical record (visible for health care /emergency employees) your wallet (with e-currency, cryptocurrency, fiat money and social value coins), your reputation voting system (assign your rating to products and services)

Company`s Island service

Be proud of your products and services!

List your products and services so that your customers can easily judge and validate them. The descriptions of your products and services will be stored on your Company`s Island, the (positive) ratings of Citizens will be stored on Citizen`s Islands. A summary of all the ratings will show up on your Company`s Island and can be included in the search engines of Citizens.

Earn money

Does your company want to advertise in a superior way? Do you as a Citzizen want to earn money by seeing these advertisements?

Your Citizen`s Island belongs to you and is free of any advertisements. But companies can offer you compensation (in money) for showing you their products and services. In this way you can earn your own basic income. You can even earn money by recommending products and services to other Citizens!

Citizen`s Island and company`s Island are special


The Citizens` Islands and Companies` Islands- services will be paid for by a (small) transaction fee of 0,05%.



A Citizen`s Island (and also a Company`s Island) belongs to the Citizen ( or Company). Ownership of an Island cannot be changed. You can access your Island with biometrics like fingerprint and face recognition, and in the near future with your heartbeat. The best security technologies are used to be sure your Island is safe (immutable blocks in a blockchain, bigchaindb, swarm). You can choose your own storage provider (our own data centre, Amazone cloud services, Microsoft etc) and you can even move your Island to another provider.


Our family, friends, colleagues and others belong to us. The human is a social animal, dependent on trust. And trust comes from a sense of common values and beliefs. We seek commonality, which is why we love social networks.

“When we trust, we’re more willing to experiment. We have the confidence that if we fail or trip over, that those who trust us will look after us. Our very survival depends on this. We’re not good at everything and we’re not good by ourselves… The goal is to amplify your strength and surround yourself with people who can do what you can’t do”

-Simon Sinek

On your Citizen`s Island, you can have all your Facebook data, and use an alternative interface. In this way you have the same functionality but stay in control of your data.

This is the same with other social media platforms.  At last you, the Citizen, can be in control of your own data.

You can honour friendly gestures, voluntary service activities, anything you value, with social value coins.



Citizens` Islands and Companies` Islands

Your Island is like a computer in the blockchain cloud. Your data is stored safely in immutable blocks, your applications run on remote servers, your educational 3D games run on your mobile device, streamed from ultra fast graphical servers.