Citizen`s Island how does it work?

Part 1 Data Storage

decentralized storage overview

Three Tools to Simplify File Management on the Decentralized Cloud

Alice wants to store her private data safely in the cloud.

She could chose a paid storage provider (SP). But how to decide if this SP can be trusted?

Even with decentralized storage providers (DSP) there’s this same problem of trustworthiness.

How DSP works:

1 the DSP packages Alice’s data in one big file

2 the DSP divides the file in many pieces, e.g. a 1000

3 the DSP stores every piece on a different storage medium, on different computers belonging to different people or companies

4 Alice`s data can only be recovered by accessing at least 500 pieces. That is pretty safe.

The provider or Alice has a key with the addresses of all the parts of her data. So she is able to access her data.

But Alice still has to trust her DSP. People working there receive her raw data and can tamper with it.

Now Alice signs-up for a Citizen`s Island:

1 a private Island is automatically created in a private computer center

2 Alice can chose to automatically encrypt her data and store it

a) in the same computer center or

b) store it decentralized within this computer center or

c) store it decentralized, in pieces, on external storage media on external computers.

In case 2a and 2b:

No people are involved in this process, but is the computer center to be trusted?

This computer center (which is duplicated on several continents) has many servers. Harm can be done theoretically only by hacking more than one third of the servers. Even then financial transactions concerning assets of Citizens are still not possible. There are several administrators, not belonging to just one company. Decisions about the computer center are made following a governance model (see links in part 2). Everyone can sign up to vote on decisions about the center. Decisions to change the governance model that the administrators have to follow, can only be made with e.g. a ¾ majority.

This type of organization is called  Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO). See part 2 below.

In case 2c: SWARM or IPFS is used to store Alice`s data.

Alice choses her Citizen`s Island as a trusted platform. Whenever she changes her mind, she can move her data to another provider or platform.

Citizen`s Island uses a database with blockchain characteristics: BigchainDB

In this way we are able to combine the characteristics of a common database (high speed access, high volume data storage) with blockchain security (immutable blocks).

Swarm, IPFS and BigchainDB: Comparing Data Storage and Decentralization



Citizen`s Island how does it work?

Part 2 DAO

CI (Citizen's Island and Company's Island) will be a DAO,

a decentralized autonomous organization.


"Blockchain makes a new type of organization possible: the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO). A DAO is a network of stakeholders with no central governing body, just a set of rules encoded on a blockchain. We believe DAOs have the collaborative potential the world needs."

DAO links for laywers:

Ignite DAO is the first DAO in the Netherlands

How to Do Business as a DAO should a DAO retain a law firm?

The Rise of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations: Opportunities and Challenges



examplels of DAOs:

Awesome DAOs

DAO related organizations

DAO Ecosystem Overview


info about DAOs:

Incentive Design & Tooling for DAOs

The Ultimate DAO Report

Exploring DAOs as a New Kind of Institution

For students: Questions 1 (Exploring DAOs as a New Kindo Institution)


DAOstack, Building Collaborative Networks

An Explanation of DAOstack in Fairly Simple Terms

For students: Questions 2 (An Explantation of DAOstack in Fairly Simple Terms)


Decentralized Network Governance: Blockchain Technology and the Future of Regulation 

Governance in decentralised networks Risto Karjalainen* March 5, 2020

The Commons Stack: Scaling the Commons to Re-Prioritize People and the Planet

Automating Ostrom for Effective DAO Management

Deep Dive: Augmented Bonding Curves

Computer-Aided Governance (CAG) — A Revolution in Automated Decision-Support Systems

Architecting the Cyber-Physical Commons

How Blockchain Economies align incentives around the Commons

Citizen`s Island how does it work?

Part 3 CI`s Rating System

Citizen`s Island and Company`s Island rating system

The Problem

Customers want to find products (and services) that fit their criteria when surfing the internet. Customer`s ratings on the company website are not trusted; the company can manipulate the ratings.

The Solution

Customer`s ratings are stored on the customer`s Citizen`s Island. The company has no access to these ratings.

How it works

When a Citizen (with a Citizen`s Island) wants to rate a product she can add her up-vote at the Company`s Island in the product catalog. The product-number is then stored on her Citizen`s Island up-vote list.

The Citizen can revoke her up-vote at any time.

The company can add a short description, a picture, and a link to every product, e.g. to further descriptions, specifications, service and support, or price info of the product.

The company can change the product catalog on her Company`s Island, with some restrictions:

1 a product can only be deleted from the catalog two years after its entry in the catalog.

A company can opt in for several rating criteria at her Company`s Island; for example a restaurant might want to ask her customers a rating for Quality(the pizza was delicious!), Employees (friendly, no slavery) and Sustainability (ingredients ok, solar panels on the roof).

Citizen`s Island how does it work?

Part 4 CI`s Wallet

CI has its own wallet, you can use it at will.

A certain amount (0,05%) of your CI-wallet transactions is used for the CI-system.

Sign up to an exchange of your choice to transfer cryptocurrencies to fiat money and vice versa.

The advantage of using the CI-wallet is that you can store your wallet`s public and private keys on your Citizen`s Island. No need anymore for inconvenient external storage for your keys or for a hardware wallet.